
Mindful Mourning

I enter mindfulness. At first it feels like a denial of the depression that’s begun to float above my head since my husband and I separated six weeks ago. I would call that time between ending a marriage and actually living separate lives ‘the end of the end’. The end of the end for us unfolded perfectly in synch with nature’s slowing down. A few days after Samhain, just beyond the harvest as the Earth begins to swallow her energy to turn inward and while the extravagant burning that is bonfire night illuminates all in early November, our marriage ended. And then he moved out as life began to bud again in February. When you find yourself in your home as the only adult living at that particular address, the tone shifts into something more final. You graduate into the unpopular point known as ‘the end’. Except it is also, and as much, a beginning. This is a time between times. A liminal space where the wheel pauses and hasn’t yet begun to spin again. It’s a void. A place we all desperately avoid. The only choice we’re left with in that middle-of-the-night darkness is to begin a new cycle. You realise that whatever human plant your identity had grown into, has now died. And yet, you also find that you are now deep in the ground buried as a seed. You can’t help it, this is happening. You find yourself in a new life that you never planned but which has spontaneously arisen and opened with possibility. Much like that first daffodil who bravely journeys out of the darkness with its audacious bright yellow face, opening under an overcast and still cold sky at the end of winter, here you are. Except of course it’s not just the end of winter. It’s also the beginning of spring.

And now it’s spring and the story of this separation has been a dark cloud following me around, making me believe it’s still winter. Occasionally it rains and I cry my eyes out but then it parts like a curtain to reveal the sun, warm on my salty cheek which has been so hungry for that special kind of sun-kiss that only spring can offer. Often I find far underneath that cloud, in the depths of my being, is a joy that wants to rise like a spring gushing out of the ground, unapologetically excited to be alive. 

To enter mindfulness, we must first remember that the present is right here - a state of peace and acceptance lives at our fingertips. At first this remembering feels like I’m forgetting all my problems. It feels like an escape. The cloud whispers in my ear as I attempt to shift my awareness onto the beautiful colours of the room I stand in. It says how dare I. How dare I find peace in the middle of all this. The cloud descends a little to hug my head forming a misty crown, dropping thoughts directly into my consciousness - but what about me? How can you be peaceful while a storm is over your head? How dare you. This is all well and fine until I begin to believe what that cloud is telling me. When I don’t believe the cloud, it’s just a cloud. It all begins to become clearer here in the mindful space. The cloud gathers its power from my attachment to the past. There is grief here, yes, and I can tend to it with as much care as I’m giving to this page. I breathe. 

A full conscious breath arrives in the depths of my belly and then it goes again. If I were to hold that breath for fear of it leaving me, I’d suffer and soon be starving for oxygen. But I have learned, through the forty years that this body has been breathed, a breath will always come and a breath will always go. That is simply the nature of breathing. Breaths are no different to waves kissing the shore and then leaving her for the ocean. The shore surrenders to the process like the body surrenders. Surrendering is precisely what I’d like my mind to do too.

Paying attention to the glorious pink mug next to my journal (which is more of a ceramic bowl with a handle), is surrender. Another breath arrives. Belly full. And then the easy contraction follows, belly and lungs now empty. 

The pink cup contains coffee. The most holy of the holy waters. That first sip on any given day is an experience of heaven. 

I feel the weight of the full cup in my hand, holding focus there on that sensation and not on the goal of getting it to my mouth. I watch as my arm knows what to do, gracefully executing a slow movement, pivoting at the elbow. The cup is coming closer to my face. I feel my lips parting in anticipation - they act free and untamed, operating without instruction to do what they’re now doing. 

The creamy coffee, dressed in a fine garment of oat milk, arrives at the gates of my mouth. The warmth of it flowing to every crevice, its movement bringing my awareness to the caverns and tributaries of this mouth that tastes. Now the throat swallows the coffee and I witness a brief tightness giving way to a warmth that spreads down across the width of my chest. It seems to hold my heart briefly, offering a softness in its passing before it moves again through the rolling landscape of my body. This coffee is a hot river of pure life-force.

I watch as the grace brings the cup away from my face now, slowly moving it through space. It lands on the white desk, next to a lit candle. My eyes fix onto the flame and then follow a trail of tiny brown letters printed around the curved glass beneath the miniature fire:

Everyday a soul remembers the stillness
somewhere becoming present in the now
secret place with flowing energy all around

This is a secret place. One must surrender thought and bring awareness to the reality of things as they are. And then without a key, without a door or threshold of any kind, mysteriously the secret place opens to receive you. It’s revealed to you. Right where you are, wherever you are. Just as you are, exactly and however you are. The secret place opens and wraps its arms around you and you arrive in the truest home you never knew you were missing.

And the cloud - it lifts. Without being rejected or resisted but rather through an invitation of acceptance and a simple surrender to what is. All on its own, just like the breath and the waves - its gone. And if it should come again, your feet will be planted in the ground of Being. You will be anchored to this stable home of the secret place. And you will have the grace to welcome the cloud, to say hello, to ask what whispers it wants to share. And you will hear all of its messages but you will know better than to believe them. You will practice deep listening. You might even wrap your arms to receive it, offering it a sense of belonging. You may allow its rain to trickle out of your beautiful eyes. And you will feel it all, all those feelings that want nothing more than to be felt. All of them belonging to this moment as much as you belong. As much as life belongs. And when the moment unfurls again in its endless coiled dance between death and birth, from coming and going, you will see life so perfect as it is, possessing nothing but its own grace as it flows through you and around you. And because it knows that nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to it. When you know this too, the world also belongs to you.

I place my palms together in front of my heart, and I smile to the flame. I smile to the great mystery that contains the light of a billion suns. I smile to the mystery that holds me here. I smile to life. I breathe.

*Image is part of the series “Stellar” by Ignacio Torres.

The Axis of our Being

The Axis of our Being

The profound practice of connecting to the Universe within ourselves is enough to move us all into the heart. When we come home to ourselves as the home, we awaken to our inherent connection with each other. Breathing in, I feel the presence of you within my heart. Breathing out, I feel the presence of me within your heart. We can rise out of the dualistic dream of discrimination, out of complexes that keep us apart and live in reverence for each other as life itself. We are divinity, here to know itself as divine.



Breathe deeply into your heart. Feel it open, soften, notice how strong it is.

Connect to your heart. This is the throne of your soul. Linger in the vibration of love that emanates here.

This is a portal.

At this threshold you are connected to Oneness. In that expansive, vast plane of energy lies the heart of all things.

As you breathe in and out, place all of your attention in your heart. Can you feel why it is associated with the element of air? It is spacious. It is vast. This is your open door.

We offer a prayer for you to speak here…with all the love xx

An Ode to my Shadow

An Ode to my Shadow

I see you now dear shadow. 

You are me as a little girl. I see that you are innocent. You are me as the teenager who craved belonging, I see that you just wanted love all this time. You are me as a young woman, trying to find her way. I see that you needed me to show you. You look like me as a new mother, with a heart blown open caring for the most precious thing I’ll ever have and the sudden anxiety that came along with it. You are the suffering that so often comes with this beautifully uncontrollable human experience and the fear of suffering that was only ever imagined. 

What is Reiki?

Allow yourself to imagine the entirety of the Universe in your mind… It is far too vast for any of our minds to contain, but in the attempt we pull ourselves open. We unzip our edges. 

Ultimately The System of Reiki is a path to enlightenment. Although it's famous for its many healing benefits, healing is a byproduct of awakening. By connecting to the Universal energy, we realise that we are the Universe. Reiki is not separate from us, it is who we are. 

Love the One you're with

Love the One you're with

Love the one you’re with. That’s you. 

In loving yourself with all your heart, you discover your immense capacity for love. You realise what a joy it is to be you, and awaken to what a blessing it is to get to be with you everyday. In this love your essence is realised. You look back over your childhood and you say sweetly to that younger, innocent self - I’ve always been with you. I love you. 

Your normal self talk becomes gracious, grateful, soft. You allow yourself to be perfectly human - a perfect soul with permission to live an imperfect life. Loved more so for every imperfection. 

The Hero's Journey Through The Chakras

The Hero's Journey Through The Chakras

Imagine as a soul, we descend from the non-physical formless realm of Universal Consciousness into the physical realm of form. We find ourselves alive in an Earth based duality, having gone through this journey of manifestation and forgetting our origin as spiritual beings. As we move down the chakras to root into the manifested world, the layers get denser and denser - from consciousness to light to sound to air to fire to water to earth.

Getting to the Soul's Space

After a good few years of doing intuitive readings, I have come to find that everyone needs healing. All of us seek wholeness. It is with this motivation that people come seeking guidance, and I’ve realised that if we can just get really anchored into our hearts we can coalesce with our spirit and know all we need to know, see all we need to see, feel all we want to feel for ourselves as we relax into the empowered embrace of our soul’s truth.

The nature of energy medicine is that it gives us exactly what we need - it meets us where we are. So if we need physical or emotional healing, that is what we’ll receive. If we need guidance, we’ll get it directly from your own source of wisdom and our spiritual counsel - the ancient part of us that already knows. This part is always able to hear our beloved support on the 'other' side because it’s found just on the other side of our minds.

Having trained as a Reiki Master and a Medium (with a particular fondness for Spirit Guides), I know it is always into the sacred soul space that our Guides and Loved Ones are inviting us to journey. They want us to know we have all our answers already. We don't need anything outside of ourselves to give us validation. Deep within us the entire Universe pulses as us. It is in the sweet, vast inner sanctuary of our hearts that we meet our souls and ultimately find what we all crave - experiencing our True Selves. It is here that we no longer feel separate or in need of anything external to bring us joy. We realise that our essence is love expressed as joy.

It took working with several hundred clients for me to really understand this. When I began including the crystalline sounds with my Reiki treatments a few months ago, I found this portal to the soul opened naturally in the sessions. I’m adjusting my practice now to bow in service to the soul as much as I can. My sessions are designed to guide you home to your inner sanctuary using a combination of vibrational alchemy - I am no longer offering straight Intuitive Readings (except for channeling in the written form) but what I am offering is a space for soul communion - an invitation to meet your whole, awakened self.

These sessions provide everything I was trying to do during readings but in a much more personal and efficient way. It is by far a more enriching encounter if you meet your Guides first hand. Holding space for these encounters is my absolute joy. Once you’ve seen for yourself what is there, I'm happy to help you understand the deeper meanings of what was experienced.

My intention is to empower my clients so they no longer need me. I feel it’s a much greater service if I can help you get to that space instead of going there on your behalf! We are all on this journey together, connected through an infinite, cosmic web of energy. You and I are constantly evolving, becoming more and more of our true selves with every spiritual stretch-mark. We are simultaneously different people with every breath we exhale, yet an internal aspect of us remains an unchanging spark of the divine. The true aim of the spiritual seeker is not to find a homecoming with a supreme Deity beyond themselves, but to reunite with the True Self - the infinite inner light. What we long for is to find our selves, to experience a communion with our soul. What I wish to assist you with is seeing yourself underneath all the layers that living life as a human places upon us - things like identities, stories, and past pain. As each layer falls away we find an intimacy with our internal light - the light of immeasurable power that acts as a beacon to call us home directly from the core of our inner being. This is an activation. A remembrance. These sessions serve as a container for you to meet you - the pure, bright spirit that you truly are. The Being beyond names, transcendent of former suffering as keepsake of history. You are a Being far untouched by a past, an indescribable layering of vibration that exceeds the capacities of language. It is this infinite realm of yourself we (me, your soul, your Guides and the Ascended Masters I work with) wish to guide you towards. Back to the wholeness of you. As we come back to our centre we then have the opportunity to clearly find the divine within. We encounter the source of healing as a powerful truth from our own spirit. Just like Glinda (the good witch) reminds us, we had the power all along. 

The set of Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls I use resonate frequencies of crystalline consciousness that harmonise the entire body, mind, and spirit. They serve as sacred containers for healing - crystal cauldrons in which to create magic. The ancient earth energies vibrate from the Divine Mother herself to quiet the mind and release limitations. This opens the doorway to higher energies while encouraging the mind into surrender.

- A deeply delicious D note bowl (Ocean Gold inside and Divine Mother outside) whispers wisdom of the oceans. It creates a channel from any unprocessed emotions trapped in the sacral and lower chakras to be alchemised and released out of the throat and higher charkas as pearls. The first time I played this bowl I heard whale song, had visions of the deep blue sea, and cried! It serves as a powerful emotional healer while shimmering divinely maternal energy into the aura.

- The clear quartz + Dead Sea Salt bowl is attuned to the crown chakra - it purifies the mind while healing the body, grounding anything no longer serving us into the lowest point on Earth. It amplifies higher consciousness as it eases mental noise into stillness.

- My pink aura bowl channels the Magdalene pure-love frequency, creating a union of the mind with the heart in courageous compassion. It activates inner knowing to inspire the mind. 

All three of these alchemy bowls work to unify the divine feminine with the divine masculine. When these energies are in perfect balance, we move effortlessly towards inspired action and rest in our creative, intuitive nature. Working deeply in the body, they take us on an inward journey connecting us to pure spirit.

I look forward to welcoming you back to yourself...read more about the Soul Communion Sessions here.

Interview with This Grateful Now

Interview with This Grateful Now

I was so honoured to be interviewed by the lovely @thisgratefulnow for her beautiful blog! Have a look and you’ll find a new free meditation from me as well, it will get you centred in your heart and the abundant now in just 15 minutes 💗