Reiki in the time of Corona

Though it may seem that Reiki fits snugly in a box with other close-contact complementary therapies, it is so much more. Looking deeply at this expansive system, we’ve adapted our courses to be even more true to Mikao Usui’s original method. From what we know, the founder of Reiki was always adapting how he taught to meet the students where they were. Whether a devout monk, an officer in the Navy, or a farmer, there was something for everyone he introduced to this rich modality. Reiki is a practice for the practitioner - it isn’t limited to its function of being a hands-on therapy. Many modern Reiki teachers have adapted the history of Reiki to suit their needs, making it all about miracle healing; yet when we really look at Reiki we see that healing is just one room within its vast house.

Reiki was always about your spirit, your mind, your well-being as a practitioner. It supports us while it creates an inspiring reverence for life. I see it over and over in that very sweet, child-like expression that lights up on my student’s faces. Most of our worldly challenges could be healed by cultivating this innocent awe for each other as living consciousness and by revering our natural world in all of its generosity. Reverence is the medicine for our time. Reiki is a portal into this awakened state of wonder, as we embrace the mysterious and seek to nurture the infinite inside we find the love that never leaves. We awaken to our inherent connection and experience natural gratitude for life in its many forms.

Teaching in this strange time, keeping two-meters between students and myself through the attunements and practical sessions, has enriched my Reiki practice to a much deeper understanding again. It has placed the focus back on our energy and away from our hands. In practice with clients as hands-on healing, the deepest sessions have always dissolved a sense of the hands as we slip into the field of Oneness. To be forced to practice without hands because of our spatial restrictions actually creates an awareness of our energetic connection much faster for the group. We can’t be distracted by the hands or rely on physical touch - we go deeper than that into the great beyond of ourselves, and this is exactly what Reiki is for. Below the choppy waves of our mind, Reiki aligns us with the depth of our Being, the energy of our soul - the True Self. This ease and alignment is where healing happens effortlessly.