You have arrived

You have arrived

In deeply loving the way things are, we deeply love the way we are. And with no resistance, no struggle to make anything into anything it isn’t, we are free. We accept the earth and all who walk upon it as sisters + brothers, beings to honour in a shared experience of divinity. Nothing is more sacred than the present moment. Nowhere is more precious than the here and now. This is the only lasting way to be peaceful. We give life our full attention, we let time be the great alchemist that it always has been, while we revere all that we encounter as a means of loving the inner Buddha. This inner awakened being is quietly witnessing, perpetually inside of us, healing with its very presence. It offers unconditional love and kindness, and only sees the world through compassionate open eyes. It loves all it touches. Because nothing belongs to it, it holds the entire world.

I walk around the bend into the park and come upon an orchestra. Leaves quivering in the wind, a distant stream of cars, belly laughter dancing over the hill, the far off song voices make as they inaudibly converse, and a creaky fence bangs shut creating percussion. As I listen intently to this symphony, my mind is perfectly still and receptive. The ungraspable essence of life rises to greet me. Pain becomes a mere sensation and softens in my body. Life seems more alive - yet all that shifted was my awareness. Presence arrived here in my body and became one with the moment, while I joined with the miraculousness of ordinary life. This, by far, is the most glorious place to live. Arriving to an orchestra that doesn’t wait to be heard. No desire to be anywhere else, no future, no past. You are already where you want to be - that is the truth. Your happy place is right here, right now, as this miraculous being. You are the shining light of consciousness, becoming more and more luminous with the simplicity of your complete presence. You have arrived. Welcome home.