Our Reiki 1 Course provides an experience of the deep inner self and will awaken your innate healing abilities. The focus of this course is reconnecting with your True Self. Through a carefully crafted journey, you’ll attune to the frequency of your soul, connect to the empowering energy of Reiki, and be nurtured with the support of a beautiful community. Attunements are shared to activate a tangible awareness of Reiki while awakening your soul consciousness. Tailored for beginners - whether you’ve never had a Reiki session before or have had many and read all the books - the course is designed to meet you where you are.

Although this step is really all about you coming back to your essence, the course will include practical sessions so you can feel comfortable working on friends, family, and any lucky pets straight away. This training is a very grounded spiritual experience which offers many practical tools you can use across your life for support with everything that being human entails.

I teach Reiki 1 in a unique hybrid way, offering the perfect blend of deep in-person training with ongoing online support for diving deeper as you progress through your experience with the energy. You’ll attend one full day of live training for healing, practice, and attunement plus you’ll also receive training in an online format so you can review the theory, meditate, and revisit the practical information whenever you need. This course includes a free membership to the Soul Fire Collective - a community of Reiki practitioners who are sharing the journey with you. You’ll receive immediate access to a growing meditation library, be invited to attend group mentoring calls and will have beautiful support to lean on whenever you need. You’ll also be invited to regular community gatherings and live Reiki Shares.

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  • One full day of live tuition with Brighitta

  • In-person attunements

  • Three hours of online training (pre-recorded so you can go at your own pace)

  • Ongoing support

  • A meditation library to support your personal journey of awakening

  • Our extensive, beautiful Reiki 1 Manual

  • A professionally recognised Certificate

  • A crystal alchemy sound bath to deepen your experience and help you integrate the energy

  • A mindful walk, sharing a deep experience of nature + community connection

  • Small groups of wonderful fellow students

  • Reiki Shares for practice and enriching self-care

Bonuses //

  • 20% off a post-course one-to-one healing session with Brighitta

  • A six-month membership to the Soul Fire Collective

  • Two trees will be planted when you register!

Investment // £333

accreditation //

Our courses are accredited by the Complementary Medical Association. Brighitta is a Master/Teacher member of the UK Reiki Federation and the Shibumi International Reiki Association.

I just wanted to say again how grateful I am for this past weekend. I feel truly blessed. I read a quote about Reiki attunements that seemed the perfect metaphor: it’s like getting the Wi-Fi password to the universe’s healing energy. More than that though I feel I have been provided with the user manual for my spirit and I am now operating as designed for the first time. I finally understand my coding and can start functioning as I was meant to. It is the most liberating feeling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my crown.
— Helen
Rush hour in a crammed Jubilee line tube has never looked so beautiful. Even when a woman pushed passed me to nab the last remaining space on the train, she received only love. Because that’s all I can feel today. Love and connection with everyone and everything. Learning how to give myself the ultimate self-care in the form of the purest, most honest embrace through Reiki, has brought me closer to Home than any amount of yoga or meditation or walking ever has. I no longer feel afraid of the future or resentful of the past... Meeting you was like catching up with a long-term friend who I haven’t seen for a while but whose wisdom has always been in my subconscious.
— Kate

The online material + COMMUNITY ACCESS will be SENT TO YOU UPON BOOKING.