Brighitta discusses the art of sound healing with Frans Stiene.
Reiki in the time of Corona
Teaching in this strange time, keeping two-meters between students and myself through the attunements and practical sessions, has enriched my Reiki practice to a much deeper understanding again. It has placed the focus back on our energy and away from our hands. In practice with clients as hands-on healing, the deepest sessions always seem to dissolve the hands as we slip into the field of Oneness. To be forced to practice without hands because of our spatial restrictions actually creates an awareness of our energetic connection much faster. We can’t be distracted by the hands or rely on physical touch - we go deeper than that into the great beyond of ourselves, and this is exactly what Reiki is for.
Chanting the Reiki Precepts
I wanted to share the Reiki Principles with you today as a healing balm, a way to create deeper awareness.
Kyo dake wa
(Just for today)
(Do not be angry)
Shinpai suna
(Do not worry)
Kansha shite
(Be grateful)
Gyo o hageme
(Be true to your way and your being)
Hito ni shinsetsu ni
(Be compassionate to yourself and others)