What becomes of the wave after it crashes?

What becomes of the wave after it crashes?

What happened to the infant self I once was? Where did my baby go as he grew into the toddler he now is?

If I met someone who knew my parents when, but hadn’t seen me since I was a newborn, they wouldn’t be able to stop themselves from speaking of this version of me I don’t even remember. They would see me as the grown version of the baby. An image of the past from their minds, a projected history, would be who they met - rather than current me at aged thirty-seven, I’d be the newborn in a thirty-seven year old body. 

A taste of enlightenment

A taste of enlightenment

All of the people in your life allow you to know life, to know God / Spirit / Source as fully as you are able. Every being on this earth is a facet of Source - a molecule of the divine. When you look at another, you look at yourself. Everyone is you, looking back at you. Just as you can’t separate the various notes that coalesce to create a harmony, you can’t be separate from the Source of All That Is. Our tones coalesce into union simply by our existence. You might fall out of key, but you can vibrate right back to harmony by dropping any story that feels otherwise. 



We are living in a hall of mirrors.

When we no longer seek for the external world to reassure us or approve of us, we find that we approve of it. That is how we find peace. This essential, natural state of harmony is our powerful medicine for the shift across humanity. We can only make peace elsewhere when we've resolved that war in our own heads.



The moon is just behind my shoulder as the sun rises in front of me. I have been left with a sensation of fullness because I found something empty - a hole to wholeness. I hadn’t expected to find her. I was simply exploring the coastline near our little holiday home, wandering the Portuguese cliffs with curiosity. I saw over a jagged orange rock a near perfect circle framing the sea beyond like a portal. I walked around it to peer through, finding a full female form revealing a space that so moved me I stood transfixed in reverence.



(Giving the earth reiki, I hear her whisper sweet wisdom to me…she began with ‘slow down’…)

I am in no rush to be anything
I just am.
I cycle through seasons,
through Ages,
through Aeons.
I move eternally around the sun
while he moves around the galaxy
while she is reaching into the Universe,
all while space itself expands.

Nothing is still. And we leave no trace.

S P A C E // The hidden benefit of Reiki

S P A C E // The hidden benefit of Reiki

After using Reiki for 14 years, it has evolved into such a deeper practice than I ever imagined it could. Now when I contemplate space, or hear a great teacher speaking of spaciousness, I just see Reiki. Space has so many meanings - the ultimate idea of the ‘out there’ - the mysterious blanket of stars above us, or space meaning room to breathe. The space between things. The space we find that is present in every atom of the Universe and therefore, every atom of ourselves.



When the quick pulse of worry is racing through you like a steam train, your first impulse is probably to try to stop the train. But it won’t stop. This causes even more stress. An inner battle starts to unravel and it’s clear you’re not winning. So honey, breathe - and just get off the train. You don’t have to stop it. Just jump off the back. 

I know one thing for sure - you are not the train. You are the beautiful, expansive countryside it’s running through....



In the years that I have been connecting to the Spirit Guides of others, I’ve noticed a common theme - they often make their entrances rather theatrically! Early on, I was reading for a woman during The College of Psychic Studies open evening. Before she arrived for her appointment, I sat in meditation as I always do before a reading - it’s how I still my mind and attune myself to the energy of the subtle realms. In my mind’s eye a very manly Viking with long ginger hair emerged from the depths, perched on a ship in a choppy ocean...



In Zen we hear a parable: do not mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon. Meaning, do not mistake the teachings that lead to awakening, for awakening itself. At some point your eyes must leave their contact with the finger, and move across the void towards the moon. To see the luminous sphere, you must leave the realm of concepts and shift into another space. As such, this work is a bridge, a pointer to help you cross to the other side and once across, leave the bridge and explore the moonlit land that awaits you. Sometimes the finger points and you look, only you still do not experience the lunar event – are you looking for it with an active mind? Is it a new moon, hiding itself?

One-to-One Session Information

Some important information about crystal sound, crystal sonic therapy, and Reiki.

The purpose of this text is to give you some basic information about Brighitta’s sessions, which utilise both Reiki as well as Crystal Sonic Therapy (CST). This form is also to acquire your consent to keep your details on file, as well as to provide the Reiki + CST session. 

What happens in a session…
Depending on your choice at the time of booking, you will receive either a Reiki treatment, a Crystal Sonic Therapy session, or the combination of both modalities. These sessions are facilitated by Brighitta Moser-Clark, a qualified practitioner, for the agreed period of time. Brighitta will use Reiki by the laying on of hands (on or off the body at the chakra points + along the meridians) and/or play the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls around the body. You are invited to simply lay down, relax, and experience the meditative qualities of Reiki or the soothing sound waves emanating from the Singing Bowls (all made of quartz with a combination of gemstones, precious metals, and minerals). 

What is Crystal Sonic Therapy? What is Reiki?
Both of these healing modalities are holistic, complementary therapies which enhance well-being and stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. They are used to promote inner peace and relaxation, having a transformational effect on any presenting imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and auric field. The result is a deep sense of calm.

What Crystal Sonic Therapy + Reiki are not…
Neither of these complimentary therapies are substitutes for medical examination, diagnosis, treatment, or medications. Practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of licensed medical professionals. It remains the client’s responsibility to take care and seek medical treatment when necessary. By agreeing to this consent form, you are agreeing that you are responsible for your own health and that you understand the parameters of the treatments being offered.

How many sessions will I need? 
Depending on the outcome of the first session this can be discussed. Some clients need only one session while others desire a course of sessions and subsequent follow-ups for self-care and well-being.

Precautions and Contraindications for Crystal Sonic Therapy
It is believed that there are many positive and beneficial effects to be gained from relaxation and healing sounds to the growing foetus. The advised healing practice is gentle flowing sounds around the pregnant mother for the beneficial and positive effect of both mother and baby. However, Crystal Sonic Therapy is not advised when less than 12 weeks pregnant.

According to the Epilepsy Action support services there is a rare form of epilepsy, where music or sound (bells, music, humming, buzzing, animals, and car horns, etc.) can trigger an epileptic seizure. The sound is usually very unique to the person who will usually be aware of their own triggers. This is linked to those people with brain lesions which are usually detected early in life and most clients will be fully aware of their condition and triggers and would more than likely avoid this type of treatment. Crystal Sonic Therapy is not suitable for people with epilepsy.

Mental Health
Mental illness can range from anxiety, depression and mood disorders (that have a severe and tangible effect on your emotions and motivation), to psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, (that affect your perceptions or senses with delusions or hallucinations). Living with any of these can be debilitating. We rely on our senses, emotions, and perceptions to get us through the day. When any of those fail, it can make life difficult. Crystal Sonic Therapy is not suitable for people with severe or clinical mental health conditions.

Implants or plates in the body (metal plates, pins, ball joints in particular)
An implant is a medical synthetic device manufactured to replace or support or enhance a biological structure. The surface of implants that are in contact with the body might be made of a biomedical material such as titanium, silicone, or apatite. In some cases implants contain electronics e.g. artificial pacemaker and cochlear implants. The vibrations we experience through sound healing may cause discomfort through the vibration of the sound and the implant or even disrupt its function. It is advisable make an informed decision and seek advice from your GP if you are concerned.

Reiki has no contraindications as far as we know.

Minors (under the age of 18)
If the booking is for a minor, they must be accompanied by their parent or guardian during the treatment.

Data Protection 
We understand privacy is important and offer our clients a confidential service. This means that we will not disclose your details or information about your treatment with any outside agency, family members or others, without your written consent. However, there are certain situations where we may breach confidentiality: if there is a concern that a child is at risk of harm or in cases where the client has expressed they will harm themselves and/or others. In this case, their data will be passed to the relevant authorities. You data will be stored securely for seven years. A copy of my data protection policy is available upon request.

Data protection laws state that you have the right to request a copy of any notes on file and the removal of these notes.  Having read, completed and understood the above, I request to receive Reiki and/or Crystal Sonic Therapy. I understand that my practitioner is providing Reiki and/or Crystal Sonic Therapy for me at my request and is not responsible for the outcome of the sessions. I have consented to the use of the services offered by Brighitta Moser-Clark of Awakening Light and agree to be personally responsible for the fees for the service provided. 

Client Acknowledgement 
I understand that a Reiki + Crystal Sonic Therapy Practitioner does not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I further understand Reiki + Crystal Sonic Therapy are not substitutes for medical examination, diagnosis,  treatment, or medications. I also will ensure to update Brighitta Moser-Clark of any changes to my condition that are relevant to the treatment, including pregnancy or epilepsy. I understand I will be fully clothed during the session (apart from removal of shoes + coat). I understand any information I provide will be used by Brighitta Moser-Clark to assess and perform the requested treatment(s).