The Reiki Way + The Way of Reiki - a conversation with Brighitta Moser-Clark and Frans Stiene about their new books.
In order to rewild the Earth and recognise the wisdom of nature, it reflects back to us - how can we rewild ourselves? In what ways can I tune into the natural wisdom of my body?
Teaching in this strange time, keeping two-meters between students and myself through the attunements and practical sessions, has enriched my Reiki practice to a much deeper understanding again. It has placed the focus back on our energy and away from our hands. In practice with clients as hands-on healing, the deepest sessions always seem to dissolve the hands as we slip into the field of Oneness. To be forced to practice without hands because of our spatial restrictions actually creates an awareness of our energetic connection much faster. We can’t be distracted by the hands or rely on physical touch - we go deeper than that into the great beyond of ourselves, and this is exactly what Reiki is for.
The profound practice of connecting to the Universe within ourselves is enough to move us all into the heart. When we come home to ourselves as the home, we awaken to our inherent connection with each other. Breathing in, I feel the presence of you within my heart. Breathing out, I feel the presence of me within your heart. We can rise out of the dualistic dream of discrimination, out of complexes that keep us apart and live in reverence for each other as life itself. We are divinity, here to know itself as divine.
Heart Grounding Meditation with @brighitta
Welcome to your Sunday Sound Meditation. A moment for ritual and reconnection as we journey to your inner Temple. Today @brighitta is sharing a grounding meditation for the heart, anchoring through the body into the supportive energy of the earth. You can come back and listen as often as you like. We hope you enjoy!
Breathe deeply into your heart. Feel it open, soften, notice how strong it is.
Connect to your heart. This is the throne of your soul. Linger in the vibration of love that emanates here.
This is a portal.
At this threshold you are connected to Oneness. In that expansive, vast plane of energy lies the heart of all things.
As you breathe in and out, place all of your attention in your heart. Can you feel why it is associated with the element of air? It is spacious. It is vast. This is your open door.
We offer a prayer for you to speak here…with all the love xx
I wanted to share the Reiki Principles with you today as a healing balm, a way to create deeper awareness.
Kyo dake wa
(Just for today)
(Do not be angry)
Shinpai suna
(Do not worry)
Kansha shite
(Be grateful)
Gyo o hageme
(Be true to your way and your being)
Hito ni shinsetsu ni
(Be compassionate to yourself and others)
When the quick pulse of worry is racing through you like a steam train, your first impulse is probably to try to stop the train. But despite insistence, it won’t stop. An inner battle starts to unravel and it’s clear you’re not winning. So honey, breathe - and just get off the train. You don’t have to stop it. Just jump off the back.
I know one thing for sure - you are not the train. You are the beautiful, expansive countryside it’s running through.
I see you now dear shadow.
You are me as a little girl. I see that you are innocent. You are me as the teenager who craved belonging, I see that you just wanted love all this time. You are me as a young woman, trying to find her way. I see that you needed me to show you. You look like me as a new mother, with a heart blown open caring for the most precious thing I’ll ever have and the sudden anxiety that came along with it. You are the suffering that so often comes with this beautifully uncontrollable human experience and the fear of suffering that was only ever imagined.
Allow yourself to imagine the entirety of the Universe in your mind… It is far too vast for any of our minds to contain, but in the attempt we pull ourselves open. We unzip our edges.
Ultimately The System of Reiki is a path to enlightenment. Although it's famous for its many healing benefits, healing is a byproduct of awakening. By connecting to the Universal energy, we realise that we are the Universe. Reiki is not separate from us, it is who we are.
The space between you and I is an illusion. That perceived distance is full of little atoms dancing at different speeds. We are just clumps of particles quivering with elation in form. In all those atoms there is space, and in all that space there is energy. We are pure energy. When we connect to the earth, we connect to her energy field, her fertility, her ripeness, her abundance. Her timeline.
In deeply loving the way things are, we deeply love the way we are. And with no resistance, no struggle to make anything into anything it isn’t, we are free. We accept the earth and all who walk upon it as sisters + brothers, beings to honour in a shared experience of divinity. Nothing is more sacred than the present moment. Nowhere is more precious. This is the only lasting way to be peaceful. We give life our full attention, we let time be the great alchemist that it always has been, while we revere all that we encounter as a means of loving the inner Buddha.
You are not your story. You are not your pain, your past, or your Dark Ages. As you allow the healing to happen, the light shines where it needs to. Healing is your natural state - and it occurs in a flash when you no longer identify with your history - when you rather root into who you have become - you in all your glory. You, as the one knowing. You write the narrative, yet you are not the narrative. You are the thinker, being thought.
The Earth doesn’t ‘want’ for this tree to survive, for whether it grows upwards or dissolves into her, the tree is the earth. She doesn’t want or wish the conditions of herself to be different to what they are - she evolves in surrender, reincarnating into her shifted timelines with grace. Her drama is a creative expression - whether ice or fire, she has no preference - she is it all.
Love the one you’re with. That’s you.
In loving yourself with all your heart, you discover your immense capacity for love. You realise what a joy it is to be you, and awaken to what a blessing it is to get to be with you everyday. In this love your essence is realised. You look back over your childhood and you say sweetly to that younger, innocent self - I’ve always been with you. I love you.
Your normal self talk becomes gracious, grateful, soft. You allow yourself to be perfectly human - a perfect soul with permission to live an imperfect life. Loved more so for every imperfection.
Your feelings are little children. They are begging for your love. They want to be held, acknowledged. Not locked away and shunned. ‘If you ignore me,’ says the root of your worry, ‘I will disguise myself and parade through your nightmares.’ They want to be heard and held and healed of their wounds. Once they are witnessed for what they are, they release us on their own.
The depth and breadth of the Reiki System is illustrated by the deceptively simple Reiki Principles. Six little lines that are a profoundly affective invocation to healing. They uproot our long buried pain so it can once and for all be seen, understood, healed, and released.
Imagine as a soul, we descend from the non-physical formless realm of Universal Consciousness into the physical realm of form. We find ourselves alive in an Earth based duality, having gone through this journey of manifestation and forgetting our origin as spiritual beings. As we move down the chakras to root into the manifested world, the layers get denser and denser - from consciousness to light to sound to air to fire to water to earth.
There is a persistent silence that precedes all sound. The still void holds each sound as a wave that passes through it. You can’t get behind the silent canvas. In the same way, it is our consciousness that holds space for every thought, every experience, and every emotion to pass through. Our pure being, this background containing self, is the first and last instance to any circumstance. We can’t get behind it. When you sink far back enough or become still in that deepest of places, you’ll find no boundary to it - no time, no point in space it occupies, for it is space itself.
I was so honoured to be interviewed by the lovely @thisgratefulnow for her beautiful blog! Have a look and you’ll find a new free meditation from me as well, it will get you centred in your heart and the abundant now in just 15 minutes 💗
What happened to the infant self I once was? Where did my baby go as he grew into the toddler he now is?
If I met someone who knew my parents when, but hadn’t seen me since I was a newborn, they wouldn’t be able to stop themselves from speaking of this version of me I don’t even remember. They would see me as the grown version of the baby. An image of the past from their minds, a projected history, would be who they met - rather than current me at aged thirty-seven, I’d be the newborn in a thirty-seven year old body.
All of the people in your life allow you to know life, to know God / Spirit / Source as fully as you are able. Every being on this earth is a facet of Source - a molecule of the divine. When you look at another, you look at yourself. Everyone is you, looking back at you. Just as you can’t separate the various notes that coalesce to create a harmony, you can’t be separate from the Source of All That Is. Our tones coalesce into union simply by our existence. You might fall out of key, but you can vibrate right back to harmony by dropping any story that feels otherwise.