The Light Bringers (2017)
The Crystalline Dream (2016)
Using old photos of my Father, I've added natural elements to distort or hide his face. This series has helped me reconcile the feeling of him being here and yet not being here. He is now the formless essence of pure consciousness, he is around me and yet I must peer beyond the illusion of form to find him. Life is a crystalline facet of the spirit.
It Begins with a Dot... (2014)
This time lapse was shot over the course of one lunar cycle, during an artist's residency in the foothills of the Himalaya, in Manila, Uttarakhand, India over January and February 2014. Each of the 4,000 frames was shot manually, meaning I spent dozens of blissful hours with this stunning landscape, watching it change so much it never needed to repeat itself. It was my intention to share the peace I felt within it by creating a meditation on this Enchanted Land of Gods. (Manila means enchanted, and Uttarakhand means The Land of Gods - it suits the name perfectly doesn't it?). Knowing I wanted to be able to play it on a loop as day faded into night and back again, I couldn’t predetermine how to create the ending - and then a little help was offered from this landscape herself. Do watch until the end.
Music: Written by Jagat Guru Adi Shankracharya, performed by Singers of the Art of Living, the chant is Atmastakam (Chant of Shiva). Lord Shiva is said to reside in the Himalayas, he has a remarkable presence in these mountains.
Nous (2013)
It was inside the blissful knowing of meditation that I saw it. My intention was to connect, to feel the presence of the Universe inside me. It started as a ball of light, then swirled and soon I was watching a galaxy, spinning rapidly in my mind’s eye. In a flash I understood. I saw that we are all connected, all children of the stars, each of us wearing suits of humanhood, spiritual beings having a human experience. I focus on the feeling, the spiral gathering more and more energy. Light is our true make-up and I am surrounded by it. I see it in the faces of each person I’ve come across. It dissolves the illusion that we are separate. There is only an idea of the individual so that we may experience the whole reality from infinite perspectives. In truth, we are one divine mind. We are nous.
Nous [naʊs] n. Philosophy
Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.
The rational part of the individual human soul.
The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.
In Stoicism, the equivalent of Logos.
In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings. The divine reason regarded as the first emanation of God.
British slang common sense; intelligence.
From Greek: mind, intelligence, intuitive apprehension.
Postcards From Spirit (2013-Present)
The Coalescence (2011)
Horizons (2014)
Projections (2010)
// Artist's Statement
My work is birthed from the visions I see during meditation. In that quiet observation of the still space, I discover flickers of insight, images in my mind’s eye that illustrate our true divine nature. I often feel guided to a spiritually charged landscape that transcends the physical realm and allows me to play with the unseen during these sacred visits. Using Photography, I make the unseen, seen.
This is the challenging aspect of my practice, to articulate the experiences of the poetic invisible using a medium originally designed for evidence gathering, documentary reporting, and truth telling. By digitally altering the image, I share the experience of what is true on a personal level, through both seemingly impossible portraits and landscapes. In “Nous” the subject’s surface identity is stripped away to reveal the true essence animating all of us. Beneath our Ego, behind the illusion of the Self, is a force we all share - it is where we come from, what we are made of, and what connects us to the whole. The word “Nous” is British slang for Common Sense, as well as the Greek word for intuition, intelligence, and Cosmic Mind; Plato used the word to mean Awareness; in French it simply translates as We.
Ultimately I wish to inspire the same sense of awe that I feel in that quiet, blissful stillness. I create visual meditations for the viewer to relax into, and perhaps to discover their own truths within. In this way, my work begins and ends with meditation – I sit, I watch, I transcribe. The work is complete when it becomes a meditation in itself.
// Artist's CV
Brighitta Moser-Clark
Born USA, 1981.
Based in London, UK.
2007 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Photography, Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts
2004 Foundation Studies in Photography, Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC
2016 Screening of "It Begins with a Dot..." for Yoga @ Sunshine International Arts, London, UK
2015 Screening of “It Begins with a Dot...” for New Year’s Day Yoga & Film, TripSpace, London, UK
2014 Peaches & Cream IV Finalists, Millennium Images, DreamSpace Gallery, London, UK
The Spirit of the Himalaya, Ananya Regency, Kashipur, India
2012 Group Show, The China Shop Gallery at Turl Street, Oxford, UK
2011 Brighitta Moser-Clark, Maynard Leigh Project Space, London, UK (Solo)
Colourful World, Il Borgo Gallery, Milan, Italy
2010 Music of The Spheres, Colorida Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal (Solo)
State of The Art, The Shop Gallery, Cambridge, UK
2009 Hunting The Phoenix, presented by artisjustaword, OVADA Gallery, Oxford, UK
Impossible Exchange, Frieze Art Fair, London, UK
Showcase, 1001, London, UK
Inaugural Show, PH74 Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2008 Brainstorm II, Lolapoloza Gallery, Oxford, UK
Group Show, Lolapoloza Gallery, Oxford, UK
2007 Degree Show, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
2006 Let Me Be Your Mirror, Lolapoloza Gallery, Oxford, UK (Solo)
Group Show, The Red Gate Gallery, London, UK
2005 Resolution, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, UK
2014 PECAH, Manila, Uttarakhand, India
Grup Guem, Andorra
John Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, UK
Le Clou Dans Le Mur, France
The Royal Institution of Great Britain
University of the Arts Permanent Collection, UK
2017 Junko Journal, Brighitta Moser-Clark, In the Land of Hidden People (for Issue 2, Iceland)
2017 Junko Journal, Issue 2, Iceland, published in London, UK
2016 New Scientist, 27 August 2016, Culture, We are Gods of the Future, (print copy) published Worldwide
2015 Kindred Spirit Magazine, March/April Featured Artist, published in London, UK
Fotoautomat Magazine, Issue 2, published in Santiago, Chile and London, UK
2013 Spirit Magazine, published in London, UK
2012 Art Chronika 10, published in Moscow, Russia
2010 Aesthetica Creative Works Annual, published in UK
2009 Milk Magazine, vol. 405, published in Hong Kong
2010 esMadridTV, PH74 Gallery review and interview